On February 28, a Memorandum of Understanding on the recognition of non-formal and informal education was signed between "Norm" OJSC and the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. Within the framework of cooperation, projects involving the assessment and recognition of the knowledge, skills, competence, and experience of the members of the Norm Ustalar Klubu, a project of "Norm" OJSC, will be implemented.
Thus, construction masters who are members of the Norm Ustalar Klubu will be involved in evaluation and recognition exams for the specified specialties and modules. Masters who have successfully passed the evaluation and recognition process will be presented with a document confirming their professional qualification by the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.
The purpose of the project is to contribute to the professional development of masters, to help strengthen conditions for increasing their sustainable employment opportunities, and to support the improvement of their social well-being.
The certificate provided by the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education will play an important role in the integration of those individuals into the labor market, expanding employment opportunities, as well as stimulating their participation in lifelong learning.